Sunday 17 October 2010

In the days before the divorce, the day on torturing her let her live a living death of life. .mortality of children.

In the days before the divorce, the day on torturing her let her live a living death of life. .mortality of children. tells the time, blurred vision skirt, looks dull, look dodge, a fear of being heard, look, attached to your ear, ramble, let you ears to hear, but there is a kind of hear is not clear, understand the feeling. .see, the skirt has come, and her eyes let me dodge some dizziness, I deliberately evade skirt. but in the end did not escape, sad when my skirt for her to cry on, repeatedly telling her husband about her cold. .Good maintenance, Fenge Xin ah what to eat every day. Next, listen carefully so few words. I know, do Christian Louboutin Sale
not say a few words, the skirt will not let me. .; could I say no matter what, he does not ignore. would like to speak out and let him know you want to make ah. , Who let the skirt to the third grade read it. .night lighting, ambiguous and dark, with some yellow halo of light shining in my eyes to find three-line format stationery. hands holding a pen spinning, mind is a chaos. .open the sound up, eager to exchange for some inspiration through music, three-grid paper and the words Finally, brood over, dead and wounded numerous brain cells, and completed the task skirt. .(b) .early in the morning, dress to knock on my door, this is what I had expected to do.

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